STT Boxer Deion Pruitt Wins Second Pro Bout with Another TKO

Deion Pruitt of St. Thomas, right, faces off with his opponent, Randy Mast, during their weigh in. (Submitted by Deion Pruitt)

Boxer Deion Pruitt of St. Thomas won his second professional bout Saturday at the Cosmopolitan Premier Lounge in Decatur, Georgia, for the “Sugar Bert Vegas in Atlanta.”

The 25-year-old Pruitt secured the win with a second-round TKO, taking his record to 2-0. His opponent, Randy Mast, fell to 2-3.

The second round opened with Pruitt backing his opponent across the ring, then staggering him three times before dropping him to one knee. The referee let the fight continue but Pruitt made short work of it, backing Mast into a corner and finishing him with a left and a straight right that dropped him to his knee. The referee jumped in, waving his arms and declaring, “Fight’s over.”

“I wish the fight could’ve gone a little bit longer,” Pruitt said. “But I definitely feel I’ve shown improvement from my first fight. And I hope I will be able to show improvement with each fight.”

Pruitt won his professional debut in March, also with a second-round TKO. He is slated for another fight in September and is eager to continue his winning streak.

When asked if he’s ready to secure another TKO, Pruitt said, “No, they’re going to get knocked out cold.”

Pruitt credited a team effort for his success.

“I would like to thank all the sponsors, coaches, family, the I Believe I Can Fly Boxing Program, and the entire Virgin Islands,” Pruitt said.

His sponsors for this fight were Kobaz Enterprises, Wilson Healthcare Consultants, Southland Gaming, and Julius The Chef Jackson.

Information about Pruitt and his upcoming fights are updated on his Instagram page.

This video, PruittVideo1, supplied by Mike Sprung of the Pruitt camp, shows the final minute of the fight.