Serenity Wellness and Counseling LLC to Host 30-Day Mental Health Challenge

Serenity Wellness and Counseling has crated safe space for people in the community in need of mental health support. (Photo courtesy Nour Suid)

In observance of May as National Mental Health Awareness Month, Serenity Wellness and Counseling LLC has launched a 30-Day Mental Health Challenge on its social media pages, dedicated to encouraging Virgin Islanders to engage in more dialogue and awareness around mental health.

Nour Suid, Ph.D., a licensed professional counselor and the proprietor of Serenity Wellness and Counseling LLC, believes that this challenge and social media initiatives like this one have the potential to reshape the perception and stigma about mental health in the Virgin Islands community.
“Taking mental health seriously in our community is essential because it directly impacts individuals’ quality of life and overall functioning. Recurrent avoidance of mental health issues can lead to a range of negative consequences, including increased stress, relationship difficulties, physical health problems, and even the aggravation of mental health conditions,” said Suid.
“The ultimate goal of the challenge is to inspire long-term behavior change that leads to improved mental health and overall well-being. By encouraging participants to incorporate the practices and strategies introduced during the challenge into their daily lives, we aim to empower individuals to make sustainable changes that positively impact their mental health beyond the 30 days. This includes developing habits that support mental well-being, seeking professional support when needed, and continuing to prioritize self-care and mental health awareness in the future,” said Suid.
In an effort to be inclusive of all age groups and sensitive to the time constraints felt by many families in the community, Suid has fashioned this month-long mental health challenge to be easily accessible and has kept the daily challenges simple yet effective. All challenges will be posted at 8 a.m. to the Serenity Wellness and Counseling LLC Facebook and Instagram pages. Suid also encourages teachers to have their students participate in the challenges, as mental health awareness is crucial for child development.
In addition to this challenge, Suid will also provide free 15-minute mental health consultations for anyone interested in receiving services but who may be apprehensive.
“I hope to break down barriers to accessing support and encourage individuals to take the first step towards improving their well-being. Everyone deserves the opportunity to prioritize their mental health, and I’m committed to providing guidance and support to those who may be struggling. I want people to understand that it is okay not to be okay and that they are never alone,” said Suid.
Anyone who has questions regarding the 30-Day Mental Health Challenge or is interested in learning more about the services provided by Serenity Wellness and Counseling LLC can contact Suid at 340-725-HEAL (4325), email, or visit the website.
“I want people to know that they are not facing these battles on their own. It’s crucial to acknowledge that their mental well-being is important — to take it more serious as if it was a physical pain. We go to the doctor when experiencing physical pain — why not do the same when experiencing mental health or emotional stressors? I want us to work together and normalize conversations around mental health — to know it is OK to seek professional help when needed. Remember: You are enough as you are, you are worthy, and you matter,” said Suid.