Territory’s Only Open Abattoir Closed

The livestock pens at the St. Croix abattoir. (Source file photo by Linda Morland)

Senators have complained to the Agriculture Department for months about the difficulty the closure of the St. Thomas abattoir has caused livestock farmers. On Monday, the department announced that farmers’ option of using the St. Croix abattoir is also gone.

The department said in a press release a significant maintenance issue was found during a routine inspection and that it had to be closed immediately.

Responding to questions from the Source on Tuesday, Commissioner Louis Petersen said, “This issue involves the corrosion of steam pipes, which can leak water and expose staff to temperatures over 180 degrees Fahrenheit.”

 “A contractor has been selected to conduct the necessary repairs,” he added.

As for a timeline, he could only say, “Our contractor/service provider is currently in the process of purchasing the materials for the repairs. Once those materials arrive on site, we will be better prepared to update you with a reliable estimated date.”

When the commissioner appeared before the Senate in September and July of last year, senators questioned him about livestock farmers’ ability to use abattoirs.

He said the solution on St. Thomas was a mobile abattoir that has yet to be delivered. Questions to Petersen from the Source, including when delivery of the mobile abattoir was expected, were unanswered then, and this week the department’s response was, “A plan is in place and is awaiting final and fiscal approval from outside entities.”

According to the department’s webpage, the goal is to provide humane animal slaughter and increase the availability of locally grown meat.