Animal Care Center Looking for Help for Hounds During Hurricane Season


Georgie, above, may need a temporary home during a potential hurricane.

When a recent heavy rainfall caused flooding in the lower level kennel area of the St. John Animal Care Center’s Estate Enighed shelter, officials began to think about dangers of the upcoming Hurricane Season.

“The building next to us redid their wall recently and when it rained pretty heavy last week, it flooded into our kennels downstairs,” said ACC Shelter Manager Ryan Moore.

ACC officials are now looking for St. John residents willing to take in one or more dogs in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane, Moore explained.

“In lieu of a tropical storm type of situation, we’re looking for foster homes so they’re not in danger,” he said. “At any time we have between 13 and 15 dogs and some dogs can go together to the same home.”

Hurricane evacuation volunteers are only asked to open their homes to the ACC dogs until the storm passes, Moore added.

“We’re not asking for a big commitment,” said the ACC Shelter Manager. “We’re just looking for temporary homes for the dogs; just to make them safe and keep them safe until the storm passes.”

If someone happened to fall in love with their foster dog, however, they would be welcome to pursue adoption, Moore added.

ACC officials are hoping to compile a list of evacuation volunteers in case of a storm. Residents willing to care for one or two dogs during a storm this hurricane season, should call the ACC at 774-1625 or stop the Estate Enighed shelter Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.