Breaking Through the Barriers Event for Teens and Adults Not Enrolled in School Set for Jan. 28

Breaking Through the Barriers program (Submitted section of a flyer)

The Virgin Islands Department of Education’s State Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education (SOCTAE), in partnership with local businesses and organizations, will host the first “Breaking Through the Barriers” educational outreach event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., on Saturday, Jan. 28, at Tutu Park Mall. The event is geared toward helping residents ages 16 and older who are not enrolled in school to “break free of barriers to their success.”

In line with the department’s focus on forging public-private partnerships that will benefit students and adult learners, the six-hour event promises to provide assistance to attendees who want to improve their literacy skills, obtain a high school diploma or GED, enroll in a skill/trade certification program, obtain employment and more. Attendees will also enjoy free prizes, snacks and entertainment.

Monique Faulkner, Ph.D., State Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education director, said of the activity, “Breaking Through the Barriers is important as we begin to recondition the mindsets of adults who face barriers to education, work and life from that of hopelessness to hope.  We have joined with trusted partners to provide awareness of resources that are readily available to assist in the elimination of some barriers that prevent adults from stopping or dropping out of education training programs and the workforce.”

The event is free and open to the public.

Event sponsors are Viya and the Tutu Park Mall. Other participating agencies and organizations include the V.I. Department of Labor, V.I. Department of Human Services, Office of Gun Violence Prevention, Office of Veterans Affairs, Workforce Development Board, Job Corps, Equus Workforce Solutions and UVI-CELL.