Central High School Safety Drill Happening April 15

The Virgin Islands Department of Education informs parents and guardians of students attending St. Croix Central High School (CHS) that the ongoing lockdown on campus on Monday, April 15 is part of a safety drill. It’s essential to understand that there is no active threat at CHS, so parents do not need to pick up their students from the campus.
Similar to the drill conducted at the St. Croix Educational Complex last month, prior notice could not be provided for Monday’s safety drill at Central High School. Conducting safety drills and sweeps without prior knowledge helps ensure their effectiveness. The element of surprise aids the Virgin Islands Police Department (VIPD) and school officials in identifying potential prohibited items.
The safety and well-being of students remain paramount for VIDE. These protocols and safety drills will continue to be implemented in collaboration with the VIPD to maintain a secure learning environment at public school campuses.