CZM Commission Approves Two St. John Permits

A Map Geo image shows the location in Coral Bay of the site planned for a Catholic chapel and additional community facilities, outlined in orange.

Construction of a new church and construction of a private residence were approved by the St. John Coastal Zone Management Commission on Tuesday.

Parties representing the applicants joined the virtual decision meeting led by St. John CZM Chairman Andrew Penn.

By the time Tuesday’s hearing took place, public meetings to present the plans of the St. Thomas Catholic Diocese and Lynthia and Alton Phillip had already been held. The Phillips had already been approved to build a two-story apartment building in Estate Contant; they revised the application to add a third story.

Planning and Natural Resources Coastal Zone Manager Marlon Hibbert provided details on the two projects and read the staff recommendations prior to the two votes cast by commission members. Then came the chance to add some last-minute details.

Alton Phillip described a portion of the plan to increase the capacity of the septic system and assured the commissioners there would be enough available parking.

Hibbert also summarized plans to build a Catholic Church along Kings Hill Road in Estate Carolina. Plans call for construction of a church complex, including a community space, a single-family dwelling and a Catholic Charities building.

The CZM director mentioned that the area was previously zoned for commercial activity but was rezoned for business under category B-2. Commissioner Kurt Marsh Jr. encouraged church project planners to make sure to provide adequate parking around the facility.

Approval votes included all commissioners participating on Tuesday, including Penn, Marsh, Brion Morrisette, and Elissa Runyon.