Crucian Festival Safety: Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving; Plan Your Sober Ride

As the community immerses itself in the joy of the Crucian Christmas Festival, it is important to place safety and responsibility at the forefront, the V.I. Police Department announced Wednesday.

VIPD reminds the community that if “You Feel Different, You Drive Different.” The Virgin Islands Office of Highway Safety urges everyone to prioritize safety during this festive season. Consider the following few key points for a safe and enjoyable celebration:

1. Zero Tolerance: Never get behind the wheel if you have been drinking. Designate a sober driver.

2. Explore Local Options: Check for local transportation services, such as taxis or other
community-driven initiatives, if available.

3. Be a Responsible Friend: Look out for each other. If someone has been drinking, support them in finding a safe way home. Be a community hero!

4. Drowsy Driving Awareness: Prioritize road safety by avoiding drowsy and distracted
driving. Ensure you are well-rested before driving and stay focused on the road.

5. Minimize Distractions: Stay focused on the road. Say no to distractions like texting or
phone use while behind the wheel.

6. Celebrate Responsibly: Enjoy the festivities but do so responsibly. Pace yourself and
know your limits.

The VIOHS reminds the community of the following:

  • Drinking and driving should not be mixed, as no one is immune to the effects of drunk
  • If you have had too much alcohol to drink, please do not attempt to drive any vehicle. Give your keys to a sober driver who can take you safely to your destination.
  • Remind your friends and family never to get in a vehicle with a drunk driver.
  • Do not worry about offending anyone, you might be saving their life, or someone else’s.
  • Always have a plan before you head out for any of the festivities; critical decisions should not be made while under the influence of alcohol, as judgment is impaired, and the ability to make responsible choices is compromised.

Always Remember: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving 

Crucian Festival is a time of joy, camaraderie, and celebration to create lasting memories responsibly by ensuring that everyone gets home safely, so remember that buzzed driving is drunk driving.

For more information, visit or
To request a traffic safety presentation, contact the Virgin Islands Office of Highway Safety
through Director Daphne O’Neal at or the Impaired Driving
Coordinator K’ Tonya Petrus at You may also contact the office via
telephone at 340-772-3025 or 340-513-5291.