Senate: Disaster Recovery and Infrastructure

Agenda: The committee has scheduled a meeting to receive an overview and detailed updates on the proposed plans submitted to the Federal Government related to funding obligations and the territory’s […]

VIPA Board to Convene

VIPA Administrative Building, third-floor conference room 8074 Lindbergh Bay, St. Thomas

The Virgin Islands Port Authority's Board of Governors will conduct its regularly scheduled monthly meeting. The general session will be conducted in person in the VIPA Administrative Building. Social distancing […]

Board of Career & Technical Education to Meet

The Virgin Islands Board of Career & Technical Education is holding a regular meeting via Zoom videoconference: Meeting ID: 974 2518 1124 Audio only: 1 (929) 205 6099 Meeting […]

Senate: Regular Session

Agenda: Invocation: Reverend Ronald D. Walker Jr. Senior Pastor – Word of Faith International Christian Center Anthem: National Anthem and Virgin Islands March Roll Call: Honorable Genevieve Whitaker, Legislative Secretary […]

Cannabis Advisory Board Postpones Virtual Town Hall

This meeting to introduce the proposed Medicinal Cannabis Rules and Regulations is postponed until December. The Virgin Islands Cannabis Advisory Board will conduct a virtual town hall to introduce the […]

Bajo El Sol: Children’s Book Signing

Bajo El Sol Gallery will host children’s book author Shatik S. Stephens for a book signing of “Abbey the Ant.” This is the first book in a 26-book series entitled […]

Senate: Education, Workforce Development

Agenda: Agenda: BLOCK I: 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The committee will receive testimony on the following bill: Bill 34-0147 -- An Act amending the Virgin Islands Code, Title 10, […]

STJ Historical Society Hosts Special Speaker

The St. John Historical Society will resume its monthly membership meetings today. Carlyle G. Corbin, Ph.D., will lead a discussion on the territory’s political status and the implications for its […]