Legal Services VI Trustees to Meet

Legal Services of the Virgin Islands St. Thomas or St. Croix office

Legal Services of the Virgin Islands Inc. Board of Trustees will hold its board meeting. The public is invited to attend; contact the administrative office at 718-2626 for further instructions.

VIWMA Virtual Town Hall Meeting

The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) informs the community that there will be a virtual Town Hall Meeting to discuss the implementation of commercial solid waste tipping fees. The […]

Senate: Rules and Judiciary

Agenda: The committee has scheduled a meeting to consider the following: BLOCK I Bill No. 34-0107 -- An Act amending Title 3, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 8, section 113, subsection […]

Open House at The Battery

The Battery St. John

St. John Administrator Shikima Jones-Sprauve is inviting residents to an open house to tour the newly reopened Battery, for which Gov. Albert Bryan Jr. cut the ribbon last week to […]

Senate: Homeland Security, Justice, Public Safety

Agenda: The Committee on Homeland Security, Justice and Public Safety will meet to consider the following: Bill No. 34-0141 -- An Act amending Title 34, Virgin Islands Code, chapter 8, […]

VIBE Virtual Meeting Scheduled

The Virgin Islands Board of Education (VIBE) will conduct its next regularly scheduled meeting to discuss business matters via Microsoft Teams. The board may go into executive session during the […]

Mango Tango Gallery Opens Exhibit

Mango Tango Gallery St. Thomas

Mango Tango Art Gallery will open a new exhibit with a gift show of global hand-crafted works as well as three individual art shows. The event will feature live music […]

Bajo El Sol Gallery Book Signing

St. John’s Bajo El Sol Gallery will host a book signing, discussion and Q&A with Virgin Islands scholar and author Tami Navarro. She will present her newly published book “Virgin […]

Children’s Museum Fundraising Gala

Villa Botanica St. Thomas

The Hilltop Holiday Gala is the last fundraising effort of the year to support the Virgin Islands Children's Museum. With an infusion of funds, the museum will not only be […]

The Forum Presents The Munin Trio

The Forum will present The Munin Trio. The Courtyard will open at 7 p.m. Small meals, wine, beverages and desserts from Amalia Café will be for sale. Ticket prices are $30 […]