Open forum: Needed: An Enlightened Approach to Energy

A beautiful Virgin Islands beach (Source file photo)

The St. Thomas Source has performed a real public service in publishing the articles by David Bond on the role played on St. Croix by the establishment of the Harvey and Hess facilities. As the crisis with the Limetree refinery continues, it is important to place it in a larger historical context. The series was a revealing examination about how decisions made in a short-sighted quest for economic benefits can have long-term harmful consequences.

The Virgin Islands’ prime asset for its own people and its visitors is the special beauty of its environment. Hopefully, a lesson will be learned from the Harvey/Hess episodes. Even today, we remain reliant on fossil fuels in such crucial areas as power generation, when we are blessed with abundant sunshine and constant winds that could form the basis for a green alternative.

When will we develop an enlightened attitude toward the preservation of not only our own environment but an awareness [of] our obligations in the global quest to phase out the fuels that threaten all humanity?

I have emailed the articles to friends and hope the circle of awareness grows. Again, congratulations.

Paul Leary, Ph.D.

Editor’s note: Paul Leary, Ph.D., is professor emeritus of political science, University of the Virgin Islands.