Open Forum: To The Rescue

Greetings to all St. John residents and visitors. We have great news to share with you. St. John Rescue has just been certified as a training center with the National Association of EMTs (NREMT).

Holding certification from National Registry opens the door for you to apply for work as an EMT anywhere in the U.S. where NREMT status is required. In addition, nationally certified EMRs, EMTs, or AEMTs can sign up with St. John Rescue for credits needed for recertification (CEUs).

We currently have a certified contract instructor in-house who was responsible for St. John Rescue obtaining this certification and who can conduct all necessary training. St. John Rescue is working on plans to initiate an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course right here on St. John. This will be a first for our island home. For over 20 years we have been training members of our community as First Responders/ Emergency Medical Responders. But the time has come to introduce this more advanced course to the public. If we receive sufficient funding we should be able to initiate the classes starting in January 2025.

There are several advantages to becoming an EMT. First, it provides students with training on additional life saving skills. These are skills that are in demand. Upon successful completion of our EMR or EMT course students will be qualified to take the National Registry test that will certify individuals a nationally certified EMR or EMT. Becoming a National Registry EMR or EMT makes individuals eligible to work in the emergency medical field anywhere in the U.S.

In addition to being prepared for a career, students will be trained to respond to unexpected situations during and immediately following a natural disaster. This will greatly reduce the demand on FEMS and Myra Keating Smith Community Health Center personnel (especially following a hurricane). This will also help to ensure that the most vulnerable St. John residents are properly cared for.

This project will combine the training of residents to become certified as either EMRs, EMTs, or, in the near future, AEMTs on St. John by a nationally certified Paramedic who will also be able to respond as a St. John Rescue volunteer.

By providing residents with the opportunity to learn these lifesaving skills we will be increasing the probability that a person in need of medical attention will receive it in a timely manner. With highly trained nationally certified EMRs, EMTs, and AEMTs located throughout the island help will be more readily available to those in need.

St. John Rescue is a dynamic organization that is dependent on donations and grants. We search out and apply for grants from government and private sources to support our ability to provide the best emergency rescue services possible to the residents and visitors on St. John.

Providing these services will require an extraordinary amount of fund-raising and grant writing. Our operations depend on the generosity of our friends and visitors on St. John and on available government and private grants.

In order to initiate this service, we will need to provide funding to provide the services of a Paramedic/Clinical Educator who is certified to teach National Registry level courses up to Advanced EMT on St. John and is willing to be a responding volunteer of St. John Rescue.

This course will comply with National Registry and with the Virgin Islands requirements for training of EMRs and EMTs. Our goal is to raise $125,000. We feel that with that funding, we can get the service up and running for about a year. We will continue to search out and apply for local, federal, and private grants to be able to sustain this service into the foreseeable future.

Please consider helping us so we can continue offering life-saving services and, hopefully, expand our ability to help improve the health and well-being of all St. John residents and visitors.

Please consider supporting us either financially or by joining our organization as a supporting or responding member. The volunteers at St. John Rescue provide medical coverage for local events such as 8 Tuff Miles, Beach to Beach Power Swim, Men’s Basketball League, Police Week activities, the annual hurricane expo, among other events. You can check out our Facebook page to see the services that St. John Rescue has been providing to the public.

We have been offering CPR and First Aid classes to the general public at no cost for over 20 years. In addition to covering local events we also respond to emergencies on land and on the water.

We conduct monthly membership meetings on the first Thursday of each month. The meetings begin at 6 PM and usually last an hour and are held at our Headquarters on Gifft Hill Rd at the FORK IN THE ROAD.

Please take a look at our Facebook page to see what we have been doing.

HEALTH TIP: A heart healthy diet along with regular exercise will go a long way in keeping you healthier. Heart healthy diets share these ingredients: Whole Grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal. Healthy Fats such as avocados, olive oil, fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. High Fiber such as whole grains, berries, legumes. In addition, try to avoid processed foods since they contain chemicals that may be harmful to your health.

For more information, please call 340-693-7377 or email us at