VING’s Service of Worship and Celebration Begins October Events for 50th Anniversary

V.I. National Guard’s Service of Worship Celebration (Submitted art)

The Virgin Islands National Guard (VING) invites the community to join it in “Worship and Celebration” at the City of Refuge Worship Center on St. Croix, Oct. 1. It will begin the month of October in worship and prayer, beginning at 10 a.m. with Apostle Mona Barnes, in recognition of the V.I. National Guard’s 50th Anniversary.

Oct. 19 marks 50 years since the Virgin Islands National Guard was federally recognized in 1973. The smallest National Guard, VING is comprised of Army and Air Force units with a federal mission to provide a combat reserve for the U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force as well as a territorial mission to provide a response force to the Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands.

V.I. National Guard men and women are proud to have supported the nation and territory for the past 50 years.

Stay tuned for more upcoming events:

  • Golf Tournament featuring the Links to Freedom is scheduled for Sunday, Oct. 15, at the Buccaneer Golf Course.
  • The Adjutant General’s 5K Glow Run is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 28, in Christiansted.