Open forum – Virtue of the Week: Devotion

Virtues (Shutterstock)

Virtue of the Week focuses on building peaceful and caring communities through understanding and fostering the practice of virtues. The Source supports the Virtues Project and will publish one virtue developed by the project each week.

Devotion is commitment to something we care about deeply. It is a passionate focus on our life’s purpose. It is wholehearted service to an endeavour that we love. Devotion to those we love is a promise kept in daily ways to care for one another always. Discernment is the first step in discovering what is worthy of our devotion. What is my “yes”? What calls to me so strongly that I cannot resist, knowing that it is truly mine to do? When we are devoted, we give all we have and all that we are. Devotion is our true wealth.


“If one’s heart is truly devoted it may endure the storms of a lifetime.” ShareTree

The Practice of Devotion

I am willing to give my all to what I care about.

I discern the purpose to which life calls me.

I work from the fullness of my heart.

I do what I love and love what I do.

I honour my commitments.

I choose to live a life of purpose and meaning.

Questions for Discussion

  • What are we willing to give/give up to achieve social justice?
  • Are there any hinderances to giving wholehearted service to social justice? What are they?
  • How can we begin our social justice work from the fullness of our hearts?
  • What commitments are we willing to embrace to deepen our social justice work?


The Virtues Project is provided by the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands in partnership with Virtues Matter.

Virtues Matter believes in a world where people are committed to kindness and respect, strive to be their best, and live with hope, courage, and in unity. We built the Virtues Cards mobile app, an interactive personal and team development tool, to help people identify and develop key virtues skills. We also offer dynamic workshops, online training, and customized programs to help people cultivate these positive qualities of character. To learn more, visit