Photo Focus: Sing St. John Performs Oldies but Goodies in Saturday Concert

Break out the disco ball and don those platform shoes! Sing St. John took to the bandstand in Franklin Powell Park on April 22, presenting a show called “Saturday Night Fever.” Led by musical director Kristin Carmichael-Bowers, the adult Recovery Choir and the Ocama Youth Choir belted out blasts from the past from the 1960s and ‘70s.

Months and weeks of planning and practice went into the splashy production in the park. Locals and tourists showed up in anticipation of a big show.

Eager crowd (Submitted photo)

Dressed in sequins, bell-bottom pants, paisley tops and paperboy caps, choir members looked and sang their parts.

Cast members (Submitted Photo)


(Submitted Photo)

One small cast member came along with her dad to ward off signs of stage fright.

(Submitted photo)

Musical Director Kristen Carmichael-Bowers, the driving force behind Sing St. John, began the choir in the days after hurricanes Irma and Maria. With her help, they put on a full stage production with costumes, lighting, and a deejay; capturing it all with a live stream video crew.

Musical Director Kristen Carmichael-Bowers (Submitted photo)

The Ocamas delivered modern lyrics and dance moves with a rendition of “YMCA,” made popular by the group the Village People.

The Ocama Youth Choir (Submitted Photo)

Organizers say that Sing St. John supports a network of singers, providing music in times of celebration and crisis. Carmichael-Bowers helped create a nonprofit as the foundation for its efforts.

At the end of Saturday’s event heavy showers moved in, but a crowd stayed to dance briefly in the rain. The director said she could not be more pleased with the result. “It was awesome to see the community come out in support. It was all love,” she said.