Senators Coerced by Sirenusa

Open Letter to Carmen Wesselhoft Senator at Large:               

The actions of the Senate on Tuesday were obviously coerced by the developers of Sirenusa; a blatant demonstration that once again the developers have local politicians in their pockets.

The residents of St. John now know that you stand against them. Despite a massive outpouring of opposition to this zoning request, against the recommendations of the DPNR and the senate’s own legal council you chose to vote against the people of St. John — the people you swore to represent — and instead vote for corporate greed.

This is unconscionable and unforgivable.

Now that we know whose side you are on we will know how to vote next time. It’s only unfortunate that we will have to wait so long.                                                                   

Thatcher Lord
Victoria Rogers
10-47 Estate Carolina