Think Outside the Box

Dear Editor,

There is a point of clarity to the article written on who are aspirants for the upcoming election year. I would like to take this opportunity to advise that on the issue of politics on the island of St. John — I am an aspirant as a no-party member.

We live in the district of St. Thomas/St. John, with the current state of affairs on St. John, we all are requesting that we have a say in government and more accountability is needed. Being that as it may, at this present time St. John, you currently have two aspirants running in the St. Thomas/St. John district—Ronnie Jones as a democrat and Lorelei Monsanto as a no party member. All persons of interest, let us get together and communicate. St. John needs your help.

St. John has always had the capability to run for these seats. No special legislation is needed, no petition to congress required. However, residents of St. John would need to rally behind their aspirants and tell their friends and family that we want additional representation in the 2007 Senate. The St. Thomas/St. John district consists of seven seats—and would it not be wonderful to have two seats out of the seven?

Only with our constituents’ support to assist us and help to advise us on what their concerns are, can we work together for the needs of St. John and the Virgin Islands as a whole.

As Confucius said, “To see what is right and not do it is want of courage,” so we have to embark on a new journey to forge progress. We must continue to think outside the box.

Lorelei Monsanto