Virtue of the Week – Truthfulness

Virtues (Shutterstock)

Virtue of the Week focuses on building peaceful and caring communities through understanding and fostering the practice of virtues. The Source supports the Virtues Project and will publish one virtue developed by the project each week.


Truth is the bedrock of integrity on which we build all our other virtues. It is an ongoing commitment to live by what is real, authentic and true for us. We make realistic decisions. We do not lie, cheat or deceive. We tell the truth kindly. Our words and actions are trustworthy. Our promise is our bond. We do not allow others to have undue influence on our perceptions. We investigate the truth with our own eyes. Truth tells us that we are not here to live another’s dream or to be all things to all people. We live by our own true nature.

Quote: “Truthfulness is the foundation of all the virtues… When this holy attribute is established in man, all the divine qualities will also become realized.” ‘ABDU’L-BAHA

The Practice of Truthfulness

I speak only the truth.

I have no need to impress or deceive others.

I use discernment to make good decisions.

I tell the truth with kindness and tact.

I investigate the truth for myself.

I know I am enough.

I am thankful for the gift of truthfulness. It is my holy ground.

  • What is real, authentic, and true in our social justice work?
  • How does telling the truth in kindness strengthen our community?
  • In our community, do our words match our actions? If not, what is needed to call us back to truthfulness? If so, how do we celebrate and deepen in truthfulness?
  • What does truthfulness look like in your strongest relationships?

Virtues Matter was started by a passionate wife-husband team of social entrepreneurs seeking to positively uplift as many lives as possible. We aim to inspire and empower, to build capacity, strengthen relationships, and help everyone lead lives of passion and purpose.

Virtues Matter believes in a world where people are committed to kindness and respect, strive to be their best, and live with hope, courage, and in unity. We built the Virtues Cards mobile app, an interactive personal and team development tool, to help people identify and develop key virtues skills. We also offer dynamic workshops, online training, and customized programs to help people cultivate these positive qualities of